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About Us

/mend/ verb

to repair something that is broken or damaged

/sō·ma/(Greek)/ noun

the body as distinct from the soul, mind, or psyche

We provide holistic healing through multiple modalities. Our team of highly qualified therapists are constantly looking to improve their skills, develop their techniques and expand their education to provide our patients the absolute best care possible!

We take pride in and prioritize:

  • Individualized therapeutic treatment plans
  • Education on your condition and homecare solutions
  • Rehabilitation and prevention of injuries
  • Reduced pain, sprains and strains
  • Relief of stress and increased relaxation
  • Recovery from pre and post effects of illness and injury
  • Restored mobility, flexibility and agility
  • Increased range and strength of motion
  • Improved posture and physical performance

Our clinic has been beautifully renovated to elevate your experience with us! Check out this cool before & after video of your new favourite place!

Renovation by: Emmanuel + Gene Cruz, John Del Rosario, Ray Chan & Co

Interior Design Inspired by: House of Lano

Video by: Goody Cambay & captioned by Josh Del Rosario

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Why Choose Us?

Our mission: To provide effective physical therapies through various modalities, make a deep impact in our community, by becoming a trusted partner and passionate leader in health and wellness.

Our vision: We commit to being the most reliable and highly-trained professionals who provide exceptional experiences and empower the people we heal

Our values: Mastery, Empathy, Nurturance, Dependability, Sincerity, Openness, Mindfulness, Authenticity

woman relaxing with eyes closed at spa
woman relaxing with eyes closed at spa
woman relaxing with eyes closed at spa

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